welcome to the  12th battle group officer candidate school

sign declaration form for training. signing this form ensures that you accept the roles and responsibilities  that come with being a leader in this organization. while not stated on the form itself by signing this form you give up your freedom to affiliate with other organizations : officer candidate deceleration form      

officer candidate schoolofficer candidate school

Hello Future Officers. Welcome to the U.E.E.N Officer Candidate School. Here we turn Junior NCOs from both the Navy and Marine Corps into Officers that will lead humanity's Starmen into battle. Being an officer in this unit is no walk in the park and not for the faint of heart. It requires only the best and brightest. Signing that declaration form is only the beginning of your journey into the Officer Corps. As an Officer in the 12th Battle Group more will be asked of you than the average member. The Officer Corps is managed directly by the Commander, 12th Battle Group so if you are not in it to perform dont bother applying. If you are here to be the best officer you can be we welcome you!

Training objectives
1. take and pass a polices, rules and regulations test with a 80% or above
2. go over new duties, roles and responsibilities
3. learn and practice mission reports and after action reports
4. coordinate a plan with a detailed briefing and lead a strike team on a mission of your choosing. conduct a detailed after action report after mission.
5. lead a search and rescue team stabilizing and setting up a hasty defense of the area until extract arrives.

congratulations on graduating officer candidate school